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Walking: Recommended Number of Steps a Day

Confused on how to start your new-found exercise routine or  feeling like you don’t have enough time to squeeze in a workout?  Problem solved!  The best thing you can do for yourself is daily exercise and an easy way to gage your daily activity is through a pedometer.  The numbers are in and we Americans […]

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Benefits of Walking

The benefits of power walking are endless; aids in lowing cholesterol and blood pressure, reduces risk of diabetes, great for weight management, improves mental heath and so much more.  That is why at GHP we highly recommend walking at least three times a week for 30 minutes or more.  We encourage walking over most other […]

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20 Superfoods for Weight Loss

Wouldn’t you like to eat more and weigh less…. Well you can! Check out these 20 Superfoods for Weight Loss.  Try to get loads of these in your diet and watch your waistline whittle away.

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