Spread The Love – 10 Easy Things To Do Daily

Spread the Love:

1)   Smile  –  Nothing is easier then smiling.  Its really easy, try it. All you need to do is lift those haha, no just kidding.  We know everyone knows how to smile but to be honest sometimes we don’t do it enough.  So this week lets make smiling at people a priority.  Grabbing your morning Coffee Bean? We’ll there’s an opportunity to smile at the cashier.  When you’re waiting in line at your local sandwich joint, just give a little smile to the person in front of you. When you’re passing someone on your way to work and you make eye contact, smile.  Even if you don’t feel like you are in a smiley mood do it anyways and we guarantee it will start to rub off on you.  Cause how can you be in a crap mood when you’re spreading the love!  And from our experiences smiling the world smiles back at you.  Give it a go!

2)   Eye Contact – This week we are making a conscious effort to look people in the eye when talking.  And that’s everyone we speak to from our friends and family to the grocery cashier to the bus boy and waiters.  Every conversation make sure you’re looking people in the eye.  It sounds like a simple thing.

3)   Leave a little letter around

4)   Bring someone coffee in the morning

5)   Go on a walk with someone

6)   Call an old friend

7)   Open doors for people all week

8)   Greet people

9)   Compliment a friend

10) Send a “Just thinking about you” Text

Categories: Love Others / Make A Difference, Mental Health


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